Monday, April 23, 2012

You dropped a bomb on me....

Ever have one of those moments where you get some news and you wish you could be anywhere but there? I had said moment on Thursday.

As some of you know, I have scoliosis and the pain has progressed over the past 2 years. I finally went to an orthopedist (read: back specialist) on Thursday.  I had been to see a specialist when I was 18 and he didn't see any cause for concern, said to come back in 5 years.  Well, 5 years came and went, I didn't have any pain - so no real reason for another visit. The last time I had seen x-rays of my back it was a 23 degree curve.  Kinda freaky, but I could live with it with the hope that it would correct itself over time.  Fast forward to Thursday. The second I saw the x-ray I started freaking out.  So I go back to the exam room, and spend the next 45 minutes waiting for the doctor to show me the x-rays and talk about them. So he comes in all serious puts up the x-rays and says that my curve is now over 50% and that not only is there a curve but there is a rotation as well that part of my spine has rotated under my left scapula, causing the pain in my shoulder blade. *queue panic* So then he mentions the only way to correct this is with surgery - rods and pins *panic increases*, So we talk a little bit more and he says he's going to refer me to a spine surgery specialist.  So now, I'm waiting for them to contact me regarding an appointment so I can in turn tell my parents who want to be there for this next consultation - it's when we'll talk about surgery, costs, recovery times, all that fun stuff. And possibly get it scheduled. So prayers through this whole ordeal will be GREATLY appreciated.

On a lighter note, the 5 pound increment weight loss goal/reward list I made for myself is doing its job - I am close to yet another 5 pound mark.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great on your weight loss! And while it's bound to be scary, know that the surgery will increase your performance and lengthen your life! It will definitely be worth it. <3
