Sunday, July 18, 2010


Ok, let me first apologize for being AWOL for a month.  In that time I have lost 6 pounds and 5 pounds of body fat!! (that's what really counts and makes the difference in how your clothes fit - I like that one a LOT).  I've also made some other changes - I don't clean my plate anymore (HUGE success) and I have suddenly become a LOT less consumed with food and eating all the time.  I have found it is a lot easier to stop eating when I'm thinking about something else or doing something else (which, yes, I know is a big no-no) but I can stop myself from eating everything in site ( for once!)

I'm still working on the drinking more water thing -its such a hard switch to go to only water and to stop drinking soda, but the more I drink them, the less appealing they are. One thing that I'm finding extremely helpful is to replace a bad habit with a good one.  For instance, instead of making and eating junk, I watch shows on Food Network like "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" and I watch THEM eat it and think about how much fat, calories, sugar, sodium, etc go into it and I'm content to watch from afar (but mentally make a note to visit the restaurant and have whatever concoction the chef, critic, whatever is raving about).  I've also started reading again - another thing to take my mind off my stomach...and no I'm not reading diet books, exercise books or anything like that.  I've picked up Twilight (TEAM EDWARD!!) and I'm making a list of other books to read for pleasure.  It takes my mind off my stomach (and weight) and transports I am rambling about Twilight on a food blog. What am I thinking!?

So the battle still continues - its still hard to motivate myself to go to Curves after 9 and 10 hour days at work, last week wasn't particularly great, but tomorrow starts a new week and new opportunities to make a change.  My goal: work out tomorrow. Then the next day, then the next....

"Do what you can with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt.