Sunday, February 26, 2012

Never gonna give you up

"There is a limit to enjoyment, throught he sources of wealth be boundless; And the choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation." - Martin Farquhar Tupper, Proverbial Philosophy (Taken from January 2012 Issue of Real Simple)

Yes, I'm just now getting around to reading this issue. And yes, page 7 is as far as I've gotten before I saw that quote and decided to grace the intrawebs with my online presence.

I thought that quote fitting since the season of Lent is among us. You may have heard many people talk about giving things up for lent: soda, candy, fast food, alcohol....I said that I would give up soda....then realized that it was on my list to cut back....even after going 3 days without it prior to my statement.

Sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years before something someone has said to me strikes me or actually registers.  This time it was a conversation with my doctor when she was inquiring about my soda drinking habits in an attempt to find foods/beverages I could cut out to help me lose weight.  Here where I work, they only serve soda in the 20 oz bottles. I told my doctor as much. She said that one of those 20 oz bottles of soda a day equates to 25 POUNDS of sugar a year (which I did the math....equates to about 12.5 pounds in a year.....forget about blaming breakups on weight gain in was my 3 sometimes 4 a day mountain dew habit that did me in!!)  Not exactly sure when it was last week when this kicked in, but at some point I realized "I'd rather EAT my calories than drink them" and I can proudly say that I met my "1 soda a week" goal last week - Friday was the only day I had soda.  Sadly this revealation also made me take a look at my Starbucks habit - trips to the starbucks IN the hospital or on my way to work add up to more calories than a soda. So I also proudly admit that I only had Starbucks ONCE last week.  I also met my goal of eating out less than 3x (twice to be exact).  ALSO (I know, ANOTHER thing to admit?!) I kept a clear water bottle on my desk and drank one every day (that I was at work at least....I did however drink an entire nalgene bottle of water on Thursday) AND I walked 2 days last week for at least 30 minutes.

Whoever said some of the best things are in moderation was right. Too much candy and you get sick, too much and you don't appreciate the thing you craved so much. Maybe this is why I don't drink Mountain Dew anymore.  I got tired of it. 

Are you giving anything up for Lent? Is there something you overiindulged in that you no longer enjoy?

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Catching up

Whew!! What a week! I've felt like I've gone non-stop for a solid week!! I worked Sunday-Wednesday, then Thursday morning got up and did the bible study and hung out with my sister, Friday was my doctors appt, yesterday (my birthday) I met my sister at La Madeliene for breakfast then went to this AMAZING spa for pedicures.  Then I went home, practiced, had lunch, drove to NRH where we had rehearsal for Onward and Upward from 2-5:30 then I came home, changed and we partied until 11:30 last night when I crashed.

So now it's time to get caught up on the other goals for the week and the photo of the day for the 2nd through the 5th.

First, an update on the goals. I had my doctor visit on Friday, so far so good, found out that what I thought was a panic attack a couple weeks ago was my scoliosis, she gave me some pain medication for when it gets really bad - its basically a pinched nerve.

Did better with the eating out and less soda. Speaking of doctor said that 1 20oz bottle of soda a day equates to 25 pounds of sugar a year!!!!  And that's not including any other sugar!! I can tell you who is going to be better about dropping that bad habit!!

In terms of the reading, I finished 'the Little Prince' which I would HIGHLY recommend.(it's a super quick read) I grew up watching the movie and was always drawn to it, having read the book as an adult I know why.  It talks about keeping your childhood enthusiasm for life.  My roommate got me the last 2 Hunger Games books for my birthday (best roommate ever right?!!) so I will start on those at some point.

day 2: words

day 3: hands (mine)

                                                            day 4: stranger (it counts right?)

day 5: 10am (creative, I know)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Photo a day challenge

So one of my goals was to take more pictures - so I'm going to participate in the Febuary photo a day challenge.

1. Your view today: my view for the next 8 hours (my desk at work)

and yes, we do keep it dimly lit. Keeps the computers cooler. (plus I like to think it makes it more relaxed)