Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 - The Year in Review

Holy cow! What a year! In re-reading a lot of these posts they're depressing to be quite frank.  Hopefully I can change my mindset in the coming year to be more positive (and encouraging for those of you in the same boat).

Since it's been a LONG time since my last post, let me give you a run-down on the past year.
In March, I joined a home church of singles (and a couple young marrieds) and have now found a new group of friends that have become more like family than anything.

In June I became an Aunt to Maxwell James who is now almost 7 months!! I also attended one of my best friends Weddings at the end of June

In July, I moved into a HOUSE!!

And finally the biggest news of all, I got a new Job (in IT no less!) in November. It has been such a huge blessing and a big weight off my shoulders as it accompanied a big raise as well.  With that has also come the opportunity to spend more time with my sister and nephew and it has brought us a lot closer.

With regards to weight and exercise and eating pretty much went out the window this year - I ended up cancelling my membership to curves and have not been very dilligent about exercise or eating right, but I have at least maintained my weight.

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