Sunday, January 15, 2012


If I had to describe how I feel about accountability in 2 words: it sucks.  I've had several conversations with my sister and one of my other friends about my weight, exercise, eating healthy and whatnot - they've given me several suggestions on things to do and try.  (and yes, they do follow through and ask how I'm coming, which I appreciate greatly, but I hate disappointing...all the more reason to just do it right?) One thing I decided to do was link my blog with my google+ account so that more people would see it. (since I only have 5 subscribers and I can only really guarantee that one person reads it)  Also, my posting every week will definitely help keep me more accountable. 

I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought lots of healthy stuff - logged todays meals in weight watchers - and I have 8 points left over!!! And yes, it does feel good to eat healthy - I can feel a difference in how my body reacts to things. (plus it feels good to meet my goals and get the little smiley face next to it)

I'm still working on the activity.  I DID purchase a swimsuit, have not yet gone to the Y to set up a membership. Something in my mind says, "if you can't even make time (or effort) to go for a walk (and that's free!!) what makes you think that you'll go to something that you're paying for? We've been down that road before, remember?" And that's what stopped me short.  Ok, I just did a little more investigating...the Y that is close to where I live only offers water aerobics during the summer and the one where I work has classes that are either after I'm at work or before I get off.  :( Yes, there are other classes that are offered, but what works with my schedule is somewhat limited. (again, :( ) I think at the point where I'm at, I need to start walking on a regular basis before jumping in to a gym membership anywhere.

On another note, one thing I found this week - when I look at my 28 by 28 list daily I keep my focus, when I don't, I forget about the goals I set for myself. That's one thing I'm going to get better about -looking at this list and asking myself, "what can I do today to work towards my end goal of ___________?"

What are you struggling with being accountable for?

1 comment:

  1. Just remember, three steps forward and two steps back is still one step forward... :)
